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    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Exam is Around The Corner @@

    Oh my tian arh ~ So fas !! Exam left 3 weeks to go !! >.< nid to focus in study lerhs . FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS . Haihs . " Hou hui " oweys sleep in class during lesson . =.=

    Okay . Nid to arrange timetable lerhs !! Hmmmmm ~ we nid to exam Chinese , Bahasa Malaysia , A.Math&Math , English , Science , Bookkeeping , Commerce , Ekonomi , Computer , and Sejarah . 1O SUBJECT !! Oh my tian arh ~ ._. really nid FOCUS on study lerhs !! >.<

    nid to DO for de coming exam :
    1. cant SLEEP during lesson .
    2. STUDY HARD for those sux subject .
    3. ASK frens for those donnoe how to do de question .
    4. REVISION every subject .
    5. DO MORE exercise .

    Hope i can done it . xP
    Cheeeeers for de coming exam !!
    +u +U +u +U +u +U +u +U +u