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    Friday, April 11, 2008

    KL !!! @@

    My mum hab gone to KL today at 9am .she will be bac on nex Tuesday afternoon . So sad T.T But anyways , i no nid to hear my mum nagging on me loudly too xP haha . Hope she will by smth for me xD . Our class trip are planning to go KL on June school holiday . It jus cost RM300 ++ n it is more cheap den we go kudat . =.= n hope will hab alot of students going for tis class trip . ^^

    Hmmm ~ hab smth to post again? .. Oh yar , yesterday din blog cos my MEI MEI . She play comp for 5 HOURS !!! N still don let us use comp . Zzzzz . Siens . Wonder y she noes how to play comp for using internet . cos she jus 8 YEARS OLD . ~.~ No wonder y she start to wear spec now ._.

    Tht's all i wan to post today . Hab fun all :D

    Oh ya , Happiie Birthday to Lola too ^^