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    Thursday, April 17, 2008

    Rubbish stuff today .

    Oh rite , i'm gonna post alot of "small small " stuff today . Hmmmm ~ so combined it den become rubbish stuff . lols .

    1st stuff :
    My mum jus bac from KL tis Tuesday . She brought for my mei , didi n i alot of watch . haha . nice ^^ all watch total RM500 ++ . Woow . quiet expensive . But anyways , thnx mum for ur present ^^ <33 .

    2nd stuff :
    Our class having class choir practise today AGAIN . They sing like ..... * TUUUUUT * ( controlling myself . ) I have no choice to teach them . Haish , no hope for getting in final barh . Yawn .

    3rd stuff :
    Our club Sunflower Choir will having club outting tis Saturday untill Sunday ^^ . Our outting venue is Melinsung , 2 days 1 nite . Btw , tis Sat will hab school till 12p.m , means , we nid to bring a Heavy Bag go to school untill de school end . OMG =.= ( 100% sure will feelin WEIRD . )

    4th stuff :
    Awwww , i can't find my phone cable . It shuld be somewhere in my home . If really can't find it out , i think i shuld go to buy a new phone cable . Sad T.T can't upload my photo . Haihs .

    5th stuff :
    The Hong Kong artist , Alex Fong 方力申 , was appeared in Sabah International Airport today . Going bac to Hong Kong . My few classmate went to see him . Wuuuuu , n get his signed too :D nice . But unlucky tht i late for going to school . If not , i can follow them too T.T

    6th stuff :
    Our class turn to take class photo after school today . We will take a formal photo n an informal photo . Before we take class photo , my frens n i were planning wat to post when taking informal photo . N we decide take Kiss each other cheek ( fake derh . ) post . But when taking de informal photo , we din get ready den *kacak* . de photo has been taken . Awwww , tis year's informal photo taking is absolutely FAILED . T.T

    Here's the end of my rubbish stuff today . Haha . Wheter r u enjoyed or feelin bored , tis is all wat i wan to post . =)

    P.s for my broken english , hab some spelling mistake .