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    Monday, April 7, 2008

    School Competition Coming Soon .

    Our school Class Choir n Solo competition 民谣艺术歌曲歌唱比赛 will be held on 4th of May (Sunday) in school hall . Feelin happy but scared cos first time i joined de solo competition =.= N our class choir song is Take These Wings . Tis song for me is feelin BORED n siens ( issit de same meaning? watever larh . =.= ) Cos las year our class hab choosen tis song too . We won 2nd las year . Woow , now still feelin happy although we din get de 1st , but we all learnt abt teamwork =) n i still rmb , after we sangs , some of student cried including me . LOLs . Funny rite? But donnoe y happy till AUTO drop tears . ~.~

    Oh ya , don mixed de title ._. today we having " chou cian " ( read in chinese , Ps for my broken english . ) our class choir get de 3rd place n i get 8th place for my solo . Wuuuu , a nice first step =) hope we get into final ^^ GAMBATEH !! .