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    Monday, May 19, 2008

    Exams is OVER .

    Hey guys ^^ Exam is over !! haha so happy abt tht . xD i'll post some stuff abt during exams =)
    Was having Math tuition. Because Wednesday will hab math exam !! i hates add math T.T

    acting emo =X

    Erk .. =.= I was boring that time.
    Wednesday :
    After exams at 12:3Opm tht day, Major, Rowena n i went to Tiong's house for study Bookkeeping ^^ n of cos, Major is our teacher . haha . We study from 1pm start untill 5pm . Wow . We jus learnt 1 chapter of bookkeeping =.= tht is Final account . After de tuition, we play Tiong's puppy :D here's the photo :

    Major carrying th puppy . It's soo heavy !! Fatty puppy =P

    Tiong's puppy .

    Funny . hahaa ^^ i ask Major to catch it's head . xD

    After exams, my mother fetch my didi n i went to father's car factory =X for solving some problem. Whil waiting, we hab took some photos ^^

    My monther n i =)

    mother n funny ass didi xD

    Hey look O.o
    Rowena n I went to Tiong's house study Science again :D
    Dont now when Tiong took this photo when i was stuying. But it looks skinny *laughs*

    my pencil case =)

    Last day exam ^^ Weeeee . After exam Jan, Rowena, Tion n i went to Centre Point & Warisan Square for shopping ^^ I was notted a hairclip. It was so beautiful with blings blings diamonds, but it cost RM33.90 =X Jan say it was too expensive so i did'nt buy it T.T After having shopping spree, my mother fetch me to KFC :D lols, fast food =X omg i dont want fat T.T But still ate it because i was too hungry that time =.=

    This is wat we eat ^^ haha. And those are take away for my grandma n grandpa =P
    my annoying mei n mum.