1st day school today, meet my form teacher today and met new/old friends today.
Have any feelings about 1st day school for me? LOL I don't know =.= I have no any happy or others feelings for today's school.
How come? Maybe because we changed class, if it's is not, I think I will hope to go to school early gua.
How was school today? What can I say, ehem.. when Man Yi and I jus reach our own class then the new form teacher Ms.Angela called us and say:"Please help me to sweep the floor thanks." Woah, her 1st "present" that she gave us was soooo... special -.-
My class Senior 2 He, it was so quiet today if it "battle" with my ex-class Senior 1 Ai, haha xD Met some of my junior's classmate, and met a little of my friends from ex-classes. Luckily that I don't have to same class with those 'student' that I unlike their attitude. Hope it will goes better and peacefull in this S2He class.
...vy "peace" liao lo our clz...
peace dao...T.T
ya lurh PEACE dao.... sien =.=
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