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    Friday, May 9, 2008

    2008 First Term Final Examination Schedule .

    Here's our school exam table .

    Day 1 , 12 May Monday ----- Geog/Art/Hist
    Day 2 , 13 May Tuesday ----- Chinese
    Day 3 , 14 May Wednesday ----- BM , Math
    Day 4 , 15 May Thursday ----- Eng , Phy/Ekon
    Day 5 , 16 May Friday ----- Chem/Bk ,Sejarah
    Day 6 , 17 May Saturday ----- Bio/Sci , Computer

    Jiayous all for tis coming exam . I jus facing a problem . Tht is , the more i focus , the easiar i fell asleep >.< Haihs . Hope i can study them very well .