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    Wednesday, May 7, 2008

    Inactive .

    Hey ladies n guys , our school will having exam in next week . So will be inactive . I will update my blog as soon i can on9 =)

    Yestersay 4:30 pm my mom fetch my didi n i from school . After fetch my mei from tuition , we went to my mom's saloon . At 6:30 pm , we went to Karamunsing a restaurant called " Usaki " for having Japanese dinner :D n Of cos , we went there with SCHOOL UNIFORM . Can imagine tht , wearing school uniform go to shopping mall having dinner at 7pm night . Looks weird @@

    After we had our dinner , went to phone shop to buy phone cable . It cost me RM 60 after discount . so expensive >.< i promised tht will take care of it n don let it lost again . Haihs . Heyhey , i hav my phone cable means i can upload my pic :D I just upload my pics to my blog . =)

    Tht's all i wan to post today . Nite all =)
    Time to revision SCIENCE . Yawn ~