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    Thursday, May 1, 2008

    A Relax Sunday .

    Hmmmm . Today , after i woke up at 8am , went to bath , had a brekfast , n START MSN n MAPLE !! xD ( Seeems like crazy , haha ^^ )

    Let's talk maple life today =) Hab some training in bain n earned 5% , but died . =.= means no train . Den i afk for 1 hours for going dowstairs to wait de Brand New Washing Machine arrive to my house . I can't really understand , Our home hab 2 washing machine already . 1 for upstairs n 1 for downstairs . But y my mom still wan to buy it ?... Her answer is " Aiyo u donnoe arh , tht washing machine cost RM1000 + but i bought it RM 400 . VERY Cheap eh !! " Den i asked her where to put tis extra washing machine ? She got nth to say . Haihs , so waste money on it , y don buy more things for me =X . Okay, back to title ._. After i bac from afk , our guild jus having some guild problem , It's abt khai n my maple didi for leaving guild =X hope they won do it again . Maple till 3:30 pm . I bath again n go my fren's home for my Solo practise at 4pm untill 6pm . =X

    Oh ya , i use my noob char Lov3rGurlz opened a store today for clearing my rubbish stuff , cos my EQs slot is really full >.< n earned 11m !! ^^ Weeee , happy . I hope i can gacha n earned mmore messos . Hehees .

    Time to sleep , nite nite all x33 .
    Hab a SWEET DREAM or a NIGHTMARE . haha xD