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    Monday, May 5, 2008

    Class Choir & Solo competition(預賽)

    FINALLY, 第 23 屆民謠藝術歌曲歌唱比賽 (預賽) is OVER . haha ^^ feelin tired after tht but i very enjoy it =) . Yesterday 7pm i went home , after i had my bath , i rush to my bed n jus awhile , i slept . =X

    Yeserday abt half past 10 morning , it's time my turn to sing my song . Awww, feelin SOO STRESS when it's my turn . Maybe i'm too scare , so i cant try my best =X nvm . Nex year i will join again :D . Our class , Senior 1 Ai , were trying our best to sing it . Seriously , yesterday the last pactise before de competition , i heard tht is de best in those practise time . Maybe they have feel the stress , so sing it nicely O.o Anyways , thnx all student those who hav joined the Class choir yesterday :D n Of cos , thnx for paying attention to us =X tis year was the first time i bring de whole class to sing . Awww , i donnoe how to teach them when they r not paying attention . I jus noe how to scold them ~.~

    Oh ya , Grats all hu have been choosen in Final =) Although i failed to in final , but i have earned the experiment n will try my best again in next years ^^ .