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    Monday, May 5, 2008

    Project .

    Jus done taking photograph abt Moral project Kerja Amal . wth . It's so hard to be done =X i jus done 1 part of kerja amal " Alam Sekitar " only , still hab another kerja amal to do . =.= tomolo will take my camera to school to done it . Moral teacher said tht , after done tis Moral project , will hab anoter Sivik project nid to be done in next semester . Zzzzz . Hate it T.T

    Besides tht , nid to pass up Sejarah project tis Friday . Haihs . English Oral , BM Oral nid to be done too in this week . Omg >.<

    Oh ya , i have promise Shella to post our new uniform . haha . Here's the uniform pics :

    The school is letting us to vote . The closing date of voting is 6th May 2008 . Which one will u vote if u wan to vote ? =)
    Will update when the result is out :D